Daniel's Den

Feb. 22, 2023

God Is Up To Something . . .

This past Sunday was a very special worship service for me. It wasn’t because of anything special we planned, it was just an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As our nation continues to crumble under liberalism, it seems that God is raising up a revival, especially on college campuses like what recently happened at Asbury University. This revival has spread to other schools and even in obscure places like Time Square. These events are not planned, it is simply God’s children worshipping Him in truth and honesty.

We had a small taste of it this past Sunday night. We came together for a time of singing, sharing, praying, Scripture reading, and it went on for an hour and forty-five minutes. There were prayers of rejoicing, repentance, and dedication. We even ended up having Communion together. It was such a special time. I love worshipping with my church family at Bethel. I know God is up to something at our church. Stay prayed up and keep coming and let’s be a part of what God is doing in our individual lives, our church, and our nation.

Pastor Daniel